User guide ========== Key concepts ------------ .. TODO: Render here the docstrings of each class instead of copy-pasting The baikal API introduces three basic elements: * **Step**: Steps are the building blocks of the API. Conceptually similar to TensorFlow's operations and Keras layers, each Step is a unit of computation (e.g. PCA, Logistic Regression) that take the data from preceding Steps and produce data to be used by other Steps further in the pipeline. Steps are defined by combining the ``Step`` mixin class with a base class that implements the scikit-learn API. This is explained in more detail below. * **DataPlaceholder**: The inputs and outputs of Steps. If Steps are like TensorFlow operations or Keras layers, then DataPlaceHolders are akin to tensors. Don't be misled though, DataPlaceholders are just minimal, low-weight auxiliary objects whose main purpose is to keep track of the input/output connectivity between steps, and serve as the keys to map the actual input data to their appropriate Step. They are not arrays/tensors, nor contain any shape/type information whatsoever. * **Model**: A Model is a network (more precisely, a directed acyclic graph) of Steps, and it is defined from the input/output specification of the pipeline. Models have fit and predict routines that, together with graph-based engine, allow the automatic (feed-forward) computation of each of the pipeline steps when fed with data. Quick-start guide ----------------- Without further ado, here's a short example of a simple SVC model built with **baikal**: .. code-block:: python import sklearn.svm from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from baikal import make_step, Input, Model # 1. Define a step SVC = make_step(sklearn.svm.SVC) # 2. Build the model x = Input() y_t = Input() y = SVC(C=1.0, kernel="rbf", gamma=0.5)(x, y_t) model = Model(x, y, y_t) # 3. Train the model dataset = load_breast_cancer() X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=0 ), y_train) # 4. Use the model y_test_pred = model.predict(X_test) API walkthrough --------------- .. module:: baikal As shown in the short example above, the **baikal** API consists of four basic steps: .. contents:: :local: Let's take a look at each of them in detail. Full examples can be found in the project's `examples `__ folder. 1. Define the steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A step is defined very easily, just feed the provided ``make_step`` function with the class you want to make a step from: .. code-block:: python import sklearn.linear_model from baikal import make_step LogisticRegression = make_step(sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression) You can make a step from any class you like, so long that class implements the `scikit-learn API `__. What this function is doing under the hood, is to combine the given class with the ``Step`` mixin class. The ``Step`` mixin, among other things, endows the given class with a ``__call__`` method, making the class callable on the outputs (``DataPlaceholder`` objects) of previous steps. If you prefer to do this manually, you only have to: 1. Define a class that inherits from both the ``Step`` mixin and the class you wish to make a step of (in that order!). 2. In the class ``__init__``, call ``super().__init__(...)`` and pass the appropriate step parameters. For example, to make a step for ``sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression`` we do: .. code-block:: python import sklearn.linear_model from baikal import Step # The order of inheritance is important! class LogisticRegression(Step, sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression): def __init__(self, name=None, n_outputs=1, **kwargs): super().__init__(name=name,n_outputs=n_outputs,**kwargs) Other steps are defined similarly (omitted here for brevity). **baikal** can also handle steps with multiple input/outputs/targets. The base class may implement a ``predict``/``transform`` method (the compute function) that take multiple inputs and returns multiple outputs, and a fit method that takes multiple inputs and targets (native scikit-learn classes at present take one input, return one output, and take at most one target). In this case, the input/target arguments are expected to be a list of (typically) array-like objects, and the compute function is expected to return a list of array-like objects. For example, the base class may implement the methods like this: .. code-block:: python class SomeClass(BaseEstimator): ... def predict(self, Xs): X1, X2 = Xs # use X1, X2 to calculate y1, y2 return y1, y2 def fit(self, Xs, ys): (X1, X2), (y1, y2) = Xs, ys # use X1, X2, y1, y2 to fit the model return self 2. Build the model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once we have defined the steps, we can make a model like shown below. First, you create the initial step, that serves as the entry-point to the model, by calling the ``Input`` helper function. This outputs a DataPlaceholder representing one of the inputs to the model. Then, all you have to do is to instantiate the steps and call them on the outputs (DataPlaceholders from previous steps) as you deem appropriate. Finally, you instantiate the model with the inputs, outputs and targets (also DataPlaceholders) that specify your pipeline. This style should feel familiar to users of Keras. Note that steps that require target data (like ``ExtraTreesClassifier``, ``RandomForestClassifier``, ``LogisticRegression`` and ``SVC``) are called with two arguments. These arguments correspond to the inputs (e.g. ``x1``, ``x2``) and targets (e.g. ``y_t``) of the step. These targets are specified to the Model at instantiation via the third argument. **baikal** pipelines are made of complex, heterogenous, non-differentiable steps (e.g. a whole ``RandomForestClassifier``, with its own internal learning algorithm), so there's no some magic automatic differentiation that backpropagates the target information from the outputs to the appropriate steps, so we must specify which step needs which targets directly. .. code-block:: python from baikal import Input, Model from baikal.steps import Stack # Assume the steps below were already defined x1 = Input() x2 = Input() y_t = Input() y1 = ExtraTreesClassifier()(x1, y_t) y2 = RandomForestClassifier()(x2, y_t) z = PowerTransformer()(x2) z = PCA()(z) y3 = LogisticRegression()(z, y_t) ensemble_features = Stack()([y1, y2, y3]) y = SVC()(ensemble_features, y_t) model = Model([x1, x2], y, y_t) You can call the same step on different inputs and targets to reuse the step (similar to the concept of shared layers and nodes in Keras), and specify a different ``compute_func``/``trainable`` configuration on each call. This is achieved via "ports": each call creates a new port and associates the given configuration to it. You may access the configuration at each port using the ``get_*_at(port)`` methods. (*) Steps are called on and output DataPlaceholders. DataPlaceholders are produced and consumed exclusively by Steps, so you do not need to instantiate these yourself. 3. Train the model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that we have built a model, we are ready to train it. The model also follows the scikit-learn API, as it has a ``fit`` method: .. code-block:: python[X1_train, X2_train], y=y_train) .. autofunction:: :noindex: 4. Use the model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To predict with the model, use the ``predict`` method and pass it the input data like you would for the ``fit`` method. The model will automatically propagate the inputs through all the steps and produce the outputs specified at instantiation. .. code-block:: python y_test_pred = model.predict([X1_test, X2_test]) # This also works: y_test_pred = model.predict({x1: X1_test, x2: X2_test}) .. autofunction:: baikal.Model.predict :noindex: **Models are query-able**. That is, you can request other outputs other than those specified at model instantiation. This allows querying intermediate outputs and ease debugging. For example, to get both the output from ``PCA`` and the ``ExtraTreesClassifier``: .. code-block:: python outs = model.predict( [X1_test, X2_test], output_names=["ExtraTreesClassifier_0:0/0", "PCA_0:0/0"] ) You don't need to pass inputs that are not required to compute the queried output. For example, if we just want the output of ``PowerTransformer``: .. code-block:: python outs = model.predict({x2: X2_data}, output_names="PowerTransformer_0:0/0") **Models are also nestable**. In fact, Models are steps, too. This allows composing smaller models into bigger ones, like so: .. code-block:: python # Assume we have two previously built complex # classifier models, perhaps loaded from a file. submodel1 = ... submodel2 = ... # Now we make an stacked classifier from both submodels x = Input() y_t = Input() y1 = submodel1(x) y2 = submodel2(x, y_t) z = Stack()([y1, y2]) y = SVC()(z, y_t) bigmodel = Model(x, y, y_t) Generalizations introduced by the API ------------------------------------- .. _PipelineURL: The **baikal** API generalizes scikit-learn estimators and pipelines in several ways: **Steps can be combined into non-linear pipelines**. That is, * steps may be parallel, * feed-forward connections my exist between non-consecutive steps, * an input of the pipeline is not necessarily taken from the first step, * an output of the pipeline is not necessarily produced from the last step. **Steps can take multiple inputs and produce multiple outputs**. This, for example, is useful for defining steps for aggregating, concatenating or splitting arrays; building models that take multi-modal data, for example and input for an image, and an input for tabular data; and building models with mixed classification/regression outputs. **Steps can lack a fit method.** Models allow steps that have no ``fit`` method (a.k.a. stateless estimators). At training time, such steps will omit their own training and simply do inference on their inputs to produce the outputs required by successive steps. Also, the Model graph engine will, for each step, pass only the arguments associated to the inputs and targets that were specified for that step. So, if you (naturally) didn't specify any targets for an unsupervised step, then that step can safely define a fit method with a ``fit(X)`` signature. This avoids having to define methods with a misleading ``fit(X, y=None)`` signature if the step either does not require target data or does not require a fit method at all, improving the readability of estimator classes. In short, this means steps can * omit defining ``fit`` for stateless steps, * define ``fit(X)`` for unsupervised steps, * define ``fit(X, y)`` for supervised and semi-supervised steps. **Steps can specify any function for inference.** Canonical scikit-learn estimators typically define either a ``predict`` or a ``transform`` method as their function for inference, and the `Pipeline API `__ only admits these two. More complex models, however, may require estimators that do other kinds of computations such as prediction probabilities, the decision function, or the leaf indices of decision tree predictions. To allow this, the Step API generalizes these as "compute functions" and provides a ``compute_func`` argument that can be used to specify ``predict_proba`` , ``decision_function`` , ``apply`` or any other function for inference. **Steps can be frozen.** This is done via a ``trainable`` boolean flag and allows you to skip steps during training time. This is useful if you have a pre-trained estimator that you would like to reuse in another model without re-training it when training the whole model. **Steps can specify special behavior at training time.** Some estimators define special ``fit_transform`` or ``fit_predict`` methods that do both training and inference in a single swoop. Usually, such methods are meant to leverage implementations that are more efficient than calling ``fit`` and ``predict``/``transform`` separately, or meant for transductive estimators as such estimators don't allow separate training and inference regimes. From the perspective of the execution of a pipeline at training time, where training and inference (to produce the outputs required by successor steps) is done for each step in tandem, these methods can be generalized to provide a means to control these stages jointly and define special behaviors. This can be useful, for example, for implementing training protocols such as that of stacked classifiers, where the classifiers in the first stage are trained on the input data, but instead compute out-of-fold predictions for the next stage in the stack. The Step API provides this via a ``fit_compute_func`` argument which, if specified, will be used by the graph execution instead of using ``fit`` and ``compute_func`` separately. **Steps can be shared.** Steps can be called on different inputs and targets (similar to the concept of shared layers and nodes in Keras), and specify a different behavior (that is, a specific configuration of ``compute_func``, ``fit_compute_func`` and ``trainable``), on each call. The mapping between inputs/targets and the behavior is achieved via "ports": each call creates a new port on the step and associates the given configuration to the inputs/targets the step was called on. The Model graph engine will then use the appropriate configuration on each set of inputs and targets. Shared steps allow reusing a step and its learned parameters on different inputs. For example, this is particularly useful for reusing learned transformations on targets. Also, this useful for reusing steps of stateless estimators to apply the same computation (e.g. casting data types, dropping dimensions) on several inputs. Utilities --------- .. _SecMaintLimsURL: .. _GridSearchCVURL: .. _pydotURL: .. _graphvizURL: Persisting the model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like native scikit-learn objects, models can be serialized with pickle or joblib without any extra setup: .. code-block:: python import joblib joblib.dump(model, "model.pkl") model_reloaded = joblib.load("model.pkl") Keep in mind, however, the `security and maintainability limitations `__ of these formats. scikit-learn wrapper for ``GridSearchCV`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently, **baikal** also provides a wrapper utility class that allows models to used in scikit-learn's `GridSearchCV API `__. Below there's a code snippet showing its usage. It follows the style of Keras' own wrapper. See :ref:`Tune a model with ``GridSearchCV``` for an example script of this utility. A future release of **baikal** plans to include a custom ``GridSearchCV`` API, based on the original scikit-learn implementation, that can handle baikal models natively, avoiding a couple of gotchas with the current wrapper implementation (mentioned below). .. code-block:: python # 1. Define a function that returns your baikal model def build_fn(): x = Input() y_t = Input() h = PCA(random_state=random_state, name="pca")(x) y = LogisticRegression(random_state=random_state, name="classifier")(h, y_t) model = Model(x, y, y_t) return model # 2. Define a parameter grid # - keys have the [step-name]__[parameter-name] format, similar to sklearn Pipelines # - You can also search over the steps themselves using [step-name] keys param_grid = [ { "classifier": [LogisticRegression()], "classifier__C": [0.01, 0.1, 1], "pca__n_components": [1, 2, 3, 4], }, { "classifier": [RandomForestClassifier()], "classifier__n_estimators": [10, 50, 100], }, ] # 3. Instantiate the wrapper sk_model = SKLearnWrapper(build_fn) # 4. Use GridSearchCV as usual gscv_baikal = GridSearchCV(sk_model, param_grid), y_data) best_model = gscv_baikal.best_estimator_.model Currently there are a couple of gotchas: * The ``cv`` argument of ``GridSearchCV`` will default to KFold if the estimator is a baikal Model, so you have to specify an appropriate splitter directly if you need another splitting scheme. * ``GridSearchCV`` cannot handle models with multiple inputs/outputs. A way to work around this is to split the input data and merge the outputs within the model. Plotting your model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The baikal package includes a plot utility. .. code-block:: python from baikal.plot import plot_model plot_model(model, filename="model.png") In order to use the plot utility, you need to install `pydot `__ and `graphviz `__. For the example above, it produces this: .. image:: ../../illustrations/multiple_input_nonlinear_pipeline_example_plot.png :alt: "An example of a multiple-input, nonlinear pipeline rendered with the plot utility" :height: 600